
Louis Vuitton’s Newest Travel Book Offers An Artistic Perspective Of The Mediterranean Sea

Louis Vuitton’s Newest Travel Book Offers An Artistic Perspective Of The Mediterranean Sea

Attention, collectors: Louis Vuitton’s Travel Book series is getting a new addition. On May 13, the iconic house is releasing its latest volume, Mediterranean Sea by Aurore de la Morinerie. The edition, which brings the series to 27 titles in total, offers a literal deep dive into the beautiful Mediterranean, from the surface to its deepest abysses. 

Read full article here.

By Anna Buckman for The Zoe Report


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PROCESS MAGAZINE, An intimate look inside the Aurore de la Morinerie studio

PROCESS MAGAZINE, An intimate look inside the Aurore de la Morinerie studio



Ravi de figurer dans cette publication aux côtés du sculpteur Christian Lapie, de l'architecte Niemeyer au Havre, du parfum vintage Tabac Tabou ainsi que des collaborations de François Schuiten et Sylvain Tesson sur les carnets de voyage Louis Vuitton, du designer Dieter Rams, de la chef d'orchestre Manon Fleury, du plasticien Thomas Devaux, de la maison de vente aux enchères Châtivesle, des musiciens Kid Francescoli et de l'Impératrice.
Photos : Benoit Pelletier pour Process Magazine

Delighted to be featured in this publication alongside the sculptor Christian Lapie, the architect Niemeyer in Le Havre, the vintage perfume Tabac Tabou as well as the collaborations of François Schuiten and Sylvain Tesson on the Louis Vuitton Travel Books, the designer Dieter Rams, the conductor Manon Fleury, the visual artist Thomas Devaux, the Châtivesle auction house, the musicians Kid Francescoli and the Empress.
Photos: Benoit Pelletier for Process Magazine

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